Friday 6 November 2015

Tourist Places in Kinnaur, Himachal Pradesh

About Kinnaur

Kinnaur, is around 235 km from the state capital, Shimla, situated in the upper east corner of Himachal Pradesh circumscribing Tibet toward the east. It has three high mountains ranges, to be specific, Zanskar, Himalayas and Dhauldhar that encase valleys of Sutlej, Spiti, Baspa and their tributaries. The inclines are secured with thick wood, plantations, fields and beautiful villages. At the crest of Kinnaur Kailash mountain is a well known regular rock Shivling (Shiva lingam). The locale was opened to outcasts in 1889. The old Hindustan-Tibet Road goes through the Kinnaur valley along the bank of stream Sutlej lastly enters Tibet at Shipki La pass.
It is not just the beautiful excellence which speaks to the youthful and old alike additionally the ways of life of the general population, their way of life, legacy, traditions and customs. The general population have solid society and convictions, by and large take after Buddhism and Hinduism, trusting the Pandavas came and dwelled in the area while in the exile<kamru village>. Thousands-year-old religious communities still exist in the region. Buddhists and Hindus live in concordance symbolizing the conventional fellowship and companionship of the general population of both the religions. Apples, chilgoza (chestnut) and other dry natural products are developed here. The high territory here encourages undertakings and games. Trekking courses incorporate the 'Parikarma of Kinnaur Kailash.


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