Tuesday 3 November 2015

Tourist Places in Lahaul Spiti, Himachal Pradesh

About Lahaul Spiti

The locale of Lahaul-Spiti in the Indian condition of Himachal Pradesh comprises of the two earlier separate regions of Lahaul and Spiti. The present authoritative focus is Keylong in Lahaul. Prior to the two regions were combined, Kardang was the capital of Lahaul, and Dhankar the capital of Spiti. The locale was shaped in 1960.
The two valleys are entirely distinctive in character. Spiti is more desolate and hard to cross, with a normal rise of the valley floor of 4,270 m (14,009 ft). It is encased between grandiose extents, with the Spiti waterway hurrying out of a canyon in the southeast to meet the Sutlej River. The common view and Buddhist religious communities, for example, Kye, Dhankar, Shashur, Guru Ghantal, Khungri Monastery in Pin Valley, Tnagyud Gompa of the Sakya Sect in Komic, Sherkhang Gompa in Lahlung (accepted to be more seasoned than Tabo Monastery), the main Buddhist Mummy of a Monk in Gue around 550 years of age and Chandra Taal Lake are the fundamental vacation spots of the locale.


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